to utilise and grow their existing skills beyond aviation to secure their future

“If I’m not a pilot, what am I?”

We understand just how hard this question can hit because we’ve asked it ourselves.

We also understand that the aviation industry can be unpredictable, leaving us asking questions about various

aspects of our lives in ways we never thought we would. After all, none of us went into aviation thinking that we’d ever need to leave it.

At Crews Climb, we recognise the immense value locked up in the training and life experience of each pilot. We want to help you explore your options and take control of your future.

You are a highly skilled individual – let us help you redefine those skills and reconsider how you might use them in new ways to reinforce your future. We’re talking about choice, stability, enjoyment, and peace of mind.

“If I’m not a pilot, what am I?”

We understand just how hard this question can hit because we’ve asked it ourselves.

We also understand that the aviation

industry can be unpredictable, leaving us

asking questions about various

aspects of our lives in ways we never

thought we would. After all, none of

us went into aviation thinking that we’d ever need to leave it.

At Crews Climb, we recognise the immense value locked up in the training and life experience of each pilot.We want to help you explore your options and take control of your future.

You are a highly skilled individual – let us help you redefine those skills and reconsider how you might use them in new ways to reinforce your future. We’re talking about choice, stability, enjoyment, and peace of mind.

IF you've recognised the need for change in your professional or personal life...

IF you've got 5 years or less to run to retirement...

IF you have nagging concerns about whether aviation is as stable a plan as it used to be, but aren't sure how to mitigate that risk...

IF you've been considering starting a second income stream in the form of a side business, but aren't sure what you don't know...

IF you'd like to add to your professional capabilities, but can't afford to make bad financial decisions...

IF you've considered doing an MBA...

Then Crews Climb International is where you need to start.


At Crews Climb, we understand pilots because we are pilots, or because we’ve been pilots.

We’ve walked, or are walking this path – and our combined understanding of aviation and

business is here to help you navigate YOUR next steps.

Click for more info

Christen Killick

Concept Communicator

"Been there done this!"

With 25 years of career expertise, 18 of them in the cockpit and the rest in business - I've used the communication and strategy skills developed by aviation to help business teams across multiple industries develop their team effectiveness, internal culture and business strategy. Now I'm reverse-engineering what I've learned about transferring my skills to help you do the same.

Click on the profile pic for more professional info.

Shawn Hill

Business Boffin

"Hair today, gone tomorrow!"

I'm a tech and business guru who's been in the industry for over 25 years! Having started my journey in technology and electronics, I've added extensive experience in business management, governance, and communications. I've known Chris since high school when we did our PPLs together - aviation is a forever bug!

Click on the profile pic for more professional info.

Russell Tait

Airborne Ambassador

"Head in the clouds!"

As a New Zealand-based Dash 8 Captain, my career's spanned over 34 years in the air. With both feet still in the cockpit, I'm deeply in touch with the current turbulence in the aviation industry. I met Chris when I was bush-flying in Africa 20 years ago. My Pilot Manager experience taught me that as pilots, many of us struggle with the same fears and can benefit from the same solutions that Crews Climb International now offers.

Click on the profile pic for more professional info.


If I’m not a pilot, what am I?

Reassess What You Bring To the Table

If I’m not a pilot, what am I?

Reassess What You Bring To the Table


This 7-day online course will help you start to unpack a few of the

questions you may be asking yourself. Questions like:

“How do I regain the feeling of security I

had before I realised pilots could become

just a number?”

“How much value DO I have outside of

the cockpit?”

“How do I secure myself and my

future independent of the job I

currently have?”

“I’m a highly trained individual – but what

skills do I actually have if I step away from

the cockpit?”

“What might it look like to supplement my

flying career by adding another income


“Will I ever find something I feel as

passionate about as flying?”

In the last few years, aviation has demonstrated instability like never

before. Crew have taken some heavy hits and even those still flying, or

flying again, don’t necessarily feel as secure as they did before.

Something has changed in the way we view the contract we hold with

whomever we fly for, and there have been stark realisations about how

dispensable crew are.

While many can’t see themselves doing anything other than flying, some

no longer have the choice. Even those who do have the choice to remain

in the air should feel able to enjoy that space because they have the

choice to be there, rather than feeling held to ransom in any way.

In the last few years, aviation has demonstrated instability like never

before. Crew have taken some heavy hits and even those still flying, or

flying again, don’t necessarily feel as secure as they did before.

Something has changed in the way we view the contract we hold with

whomever we fly for, and there have been stark realisations about how

dispensable crew are.

While many can’t see themselves doing anything other than flying, some

no longer have the choice. Even those who do have the choice to remain

in the air should feel able to enjoy that space because they have the

choice to be there, rather than feeling held to ransom in any way.

Click for more info

Review, Re-evaluate,


This 7-day online course is designed to

help you review the skill set and

experience you have, re-evaluate

how it might be used to create a life that

serves your needs, and guide you to start formulating a response to the questions

you’re asking.

A response that puts you firmly back in the driving seat of your future.

This course will help you reassess what

you’ve got to work with, clarify the foundation you’re starting from, and envisage what

you might like your future to look like.

Follow our pace or find your


7 modules delivered to you online

over 7 days, meaning you can

participate from anywhere in the

world and in your own time.

Whether you complete the full course

in a week, or fit it in when you can,

you’ll continue to have full access

regardless of what pace you need to


Reviewing your skill set, re-evaluating

your standpoint and future, and

considering how you might respond to

the needs that present themselves

isn’t always quick and easy work.

You’re worth it

Expand your thinking with


Crews Climb courses are hybrid

courses – meaning they combine

online accessibility with the human

element that is community.

This 7-day course is supported by

in-person Zoom calls designed to offer

you support from both us and the

other crew on the same journey as


Ask questions. Don’t ask questions.

Listen. Participate. Grow.

Find out how others are navigating

their own journeys to reinforcing their



If I’m not a pilot, what am I?

7 day course


  • Better understand the value of your skill set & experience, and how they may translate outside of the cockpit.

  • Find out what makes YOU different from the pilot next to you.

  • Reassess where you’re currently at and what change might mean for you.

  • Gain support via our Crews Climb Community – talk to us and to others on the same journey as you.

  • Start answering your own questions in a structured and supported way.

  • Dip your toe in. Gain some perspective. Find out what the possibilities are. Decide whether to act. Back yourself.

The Sky’s Not the Limit

12 week course

Join our waiting list

  • 3 modules a week for 12 weeks. Powerful learning to reinforce your foundation and take profound new action.

  • Pillar One– Pilot In Command – takes an in-depth look at where you’re at, what your needs are, and what you bring to the table.

  • Pillar Two– Expanding the Envelope – deals with business. What it is, what it’s not, and what you need to know.

  • Pillar Three– Diversionary Climb – supports you to choose a new direction, identify and action the necessary steps.

  • Full access to the Crews Climb Community including chats, Resource Library, weekly Zoom calls, Guest Speakers, Support Groups, and priority additional learning.

to receive updates and launch priority


One of our most powerful aviation assets is our community

The Crews Climb Community is a private online platform that pilots gain access to when attending any of our courses. Within this platform, they can communicate with other crew on the same journey to ask questions and receive support, as well as communicate with the Crews Climb Team.

When undertaking the 12-week “The Sky’s Not the Limit” course, access is extended to the Crews Climb Resource Library which contains recordings of prior sessions, extended course modules, recommended links, and sources (books, videos, podcasts, articles, etc.). 12-week course members will also have access to threads dedicated to the modules they’re undertaking, and community collaboration in the form of business networking.

Course completion entitles you to stay in the Crews Climb Community on a subscription basis.

If you’re curious but not quite ready to join us yet, stay updated by adding yourself to our Leading Edge

mail – no spam, only good stuff.

If you’re asking the same questions we were asking and are

ready to explore some answers, sign up and

join us!

If you’re curious but not quite ready to join us yet, stay updated by adding yourself to our Leading Edge mail – no spam, only good stuff.

If you’re asking the same questions we were asking and are ready to explore some answers,

sign up and join us!

Christen Killick

Been there done this!

Christen is our Crews Climb Content Communicator.

She is a strategic & results-driven team communications expert specialising in change management, leadership & team cohesion. With 25 years of career expertise, 18 of them as a commercial pilot, Christen uses the communication and strategy skills developed by aviation to help business teams across multiple industries develop their team effectiveness, internal culture and business strategy.

Aviation fosters big picture thinking with a personal awareness of and responsibility for situational awareness, risk identification and mitigation, greased by self-management and the protection of team relationships. These skills are not aviation-specific and can be delivered in tool-based and strategic ways to the heart of any team in any industry. 

Having successfully transferred these skills from aviation into business, Christen has worked internationally with business leaders and teams in the aviation community; the automotive, distribution, paint, food production, construction, recruitment, security, shipping, health & wellness industries; as well as those in education and law. Christen is a maximiser and agent for change, an international keynote speaker and writer – knitting together and streamlining teams; finding common purpose; providing direction and drive, structure and cohesion, passion and productivity.

Shawn Hill

Hair today, gone tomorrow!

Shawn is our Crews Climb Business Boffin.

He's a tech and business guru who's been in the industry for over 25 years! He started his journey in technology and electronics and later added more feathers to his cap with qualifications and experience in business management, governance, and communications.

As a former IT, People and Business Manager, he's experienced multiple international mergers and acquisitions and ventured into the Managed Service Provider business as a Shareholder/Director. Shawn's not just about tech and business - he's also passionate about giving back to the community. He has volunteered in several charities working through complex activities from mergers to rebrands.

When he's not busy with work and volunteer activities, Shawn loves to be up in the air when he can and acts as a personal and business mentor and coach. With his wealth of experience and passion for flying, Crews Climb is the perfect blend for him to make a difference.

Russell Tait

Head in the clouds!

Russell is our Crews Climb Airborne Ambassador.

As a Dash 8 Captain based in New Zealand, Russell's flying career has spanned over 34 years. During that time, his experience has included flying for and operating charter companies in Southern Africa, ground instructing, and overseeing up to 100 crew over two centres as Pilot Manager for an International Airline.

Russell's ability to work with and bring together people from all walks of life has allowed him to build strong relationships both inside and outside the aviation community.